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Management of adverse events in a Moroccan regional hospital: a state of art and perspectives

Khadija Elwardi
Mohammed Bakkali
Amin Laglaoui


Introduction: the risk management system is useful to identify, analyze, and reduce the risk occurrence of adverse events (AEs) in health services. This system suggests useful improvements to patients and to the whole institution and also contributes to the acquisition of a collective and organizational safety culture. This study presented a state of the art of the management of AEs identified in different services of a regional hospital in the north of Morocco.

Methods: this is a retrospective cross-sectional exploratory study carried out from 2017 to 2019 using observations and semi-structured interviews, which were recorded, re-transcribed, and analyzed. Data was also collected from audit reports, results of investigations of the nosocomial infection control committee and the risk management commission, AEs declaration sheets, and meetings reports.

Results: a number of 83 AEs were recorded, 10 of which were urgent. The reported events were related to care, infection risk, the drugs circuit, and medico-technical events. Two hundred cases of nosocomial infections were also recorded, of which 75 occurred in the intensive care unit and 35 in the maternity service. Surgical site infections were the most frequently reported complication. Adverse events were related to organizational failure, equipment problems, and errors related to professional practices.

Conclusion: our findings may guide the improvement of the event management system in order to reduce the occurrence of future incidents. Thus, improving the risk management system requires setting up training strategies for staff on the importance of this system and its mode of operation.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1937-8688