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An overview of a preliminary multicenter retrospective study on food and drug allergies in moroccan pediatric population

Zakaria Zidane
Chaimaa Chahine
Karima Mohtadi
Azeddine Chakroun
Rachid Saïle
Ahmed Aziz Bousfiha
Maria Rkain
Sanae Elimlahi Chaer
Youness El Gueddari
Mohammed Hbibi
Laila Tazi Daoudi
Ibtihal Benhsaien
Naima Elhafidi
Hanane Salih Alj


Introduction: this study aimed to investigate the prevalence and management of food allergies (FA) and drug allergies (DA) in Morocco. Sparse and conflicting epidemiological data exist on the exact prevalence of allergies in the country. The rise in allergies can be attributed to various factors.

Methods: the study analyzed data from patients with suspected FA and DA who sought medical attention. Statistical tests were used to analyze the data, percentages were computed for qualitative variables, and for quantitative variables, medians or means accompanied by standard deviations (SD) were calculated. The Chi-square test was employed to assess categorical variables. A p-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Results: Cow's milk was the most reported food allergen (58.2%), followed by egg and nuts (23.4% and 12.1%, respectively). The most affected age group was children under 5 years. Antibiotics were the leading cause of reported drug allergies (44.8%), particularly Beta-lactams. Immediate reactions were commonly associated with antibiotics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Symptoms of FA included acute urticaria, vomiting, anaphylactic shock, and facial edema. Urticaria was the most frequent symptom of DA. Antihistamines and corticosteroids were the main treatments used for both FA and DA.

Conclusion: the prevalence of FA and DA in Morocco remains uncertain due to limited data. There is a need for centralized data collection and awareness among clinicians and the general population regarding allergies. The study highlights the importance of proper diagnosis and management of allergies to ensure patient safety. The findings emphasize the necessity of establishing a mandatory center for allergy care in Morocco to improve the understanding and management of allergic conditions.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1937-8688