Mr. AB, 44 years old, with no particular history. He presented for penile neoplasm which had evolved over the past year, associated with urinary symptoms such as dysuria and pollakiuria, in a state of apyrexia and conservation of his general condition. External genital examination revealed 3 fixed, exophytic, red, "cauliflower" like tumors with whitish central ulceration. The pelvic IRM showed an important infiltration of the two corpora cavernosa and urethra. Biopsies revealed well-differentiated tumor with epithelial, papillomatous proliferation and hyperkeratosis with no cytonuclear anomalies. The patient underwent total penectomy with urinary diversion by perineal urethrostomy. Anatomo-pathological examination of the surgical specimen confirmed the diagnosis of penile verrucous carcinoma of the penis. Patient’s evolution was favorable, with a follow-up period of 18 months, without local recurrence.
Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 24