Fundus albipunctatus is a recessive auto somal disease. It is a rare form of apparently stationary night blindness characterized by the presence of myriad symmetrical round white dots in the fundus with a greater concentration in the midperiphery. The fundus shows a multitude of subtle, tiny yellow-white spots at the posterior pole, sparing the fovea and extending to the periphery (A et B). The retinal blood vessels, optic disc, peripheral fields and visuel acuity remain normal. Fluoresce in angiography shows mottled hyperfluorescence exceptat the fovea (C et D). Differential diagnosis are the retinitis punctat a albescens and the Oguchi disease. No effective treatment is available to restore full receptor cell function however, high oral doses of beta-carotenemay lead to an improvement in night blindness.
Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 23