Introduction: The objective of this study was to determine the pattern, clinical profile and surgical intervention in children presenting with adenoids hypertrophy in a private hospital. Methods: The study was conducted at the general pediatric clinic of a private hospital in Enugu, south east Nigeria in collaboration with a missionary hospital with a visiting consultant ENT surgeon. Data collection was done with structured Questionnaire. This questionnaire design contains information on age, sex, address, social class among others. The diagnosis of adenoid hypertrophy was made based on clinical evaluation, confirmed by a lateral radiograph of the neck and postnasal sinuses. Results: A total of 2010 children attended the children outpatient clinic, of these, 26 had adenoid hypertrophy; giving a prevalence of 1.3% .Mean age of diagnosis is 32.6±17.9 months. Cough 19 (73.1%), catarrh 18(69.2%), history of allergy 15(57.7%), fever 13(50.0%), Snorring10 (38.4%), expiratory rhonchi 5(19.2%), and mouth breathing 4(15.4%) occurred mostly among children with adenoids hypertrophy. Ten children were referred for surgery and this was successful, others are being followed up and placed on steroids and bronchodilators. Conclusion: The prevalence of adenoid hypertrophy in this study is 1.3% with male predominance and majority coming from a low social class. Surgical outcome is excellent except one who had bleeding but was arrested subsequently.