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Gaucher’s disease: Report of 11 cases with review of literature
splenomegaly, hepatomegaly , pallor, haemorrhagic appearance (40%), bone pain (40%). The diagnosis was based on histology showing the Gaucher's cells in various tissues (100%). Enzymatic activity dosage confirmed the diagnosis of GD for 4 patients (44.5%). The treatment was
always symptomatic (analgesics, transfusion). A splenectomy was performed in one case presenting with multiple splenic abscesses and high
transfusion requirements. None of the patients received a specific treatment (substitutive enzymotherapy). The follow-up period ranged from 3 months to 6 years with an average follow-up of 4 years. We noticed stability in 4 cases, 2 worsening cases with bone and spleen complications.
Three patients were lost to follow-up. GD type 2: we observed two cases of GD type 2 diagnosed at 3 and 18 months. The visceral symptoms were
serious and the neurological features included seizures, hypertony, squint, physical developmental milestones delay. Both of them died. Gaucher's
disease is not exceptional in Morocco. Type 1 is the most common type. We noted through this study some diagnostic difficulties as the diagnosis
was delayed and the enzymatic dosage was performed in only 42% of the cases as well as therapeutic difficulty with no prescription of the specific
treatment given the high cost of the enzyme.