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Integrating Critical Thinking into Advanced Musical Analysis in Ghanaian Music Education

Alfred Patrick Addaquay


This study examines the incorporation of critical thinking into the "Advanced Musical Analysis" course in the context of music education  in Ghana. The research used a qualitative method, especially a case study design, to investigate the effective integration of  interdisciplinary frameworks and critical thinking abilities into advanced musical analysis. The data were gathered using a combination of  document analysis, semi-structured interviews, and classroom observations. This allowed for obtaining perspectives from instructors,  students, and external examiners who were participating in the course. The findings demonstrate the potential advantages and  difficulties of combining standard academic rigour with inventive, contextspecific techniques that incorporate aspects such as phenomenology, semiotics, and cultural theory. Also, the study emphasises the possibility of a curriculum that is flexible and inclusive,  incorporating African musical traditions. This would improve students' ability to analyse music and promote a more active and lively  involvement with it. The findings underscore the importance for music instructors in Ghana to give high priority to fostering critical  thinking skills and incorporating cultural relevance. This would ultimately enhance the academic and cultural aspects of music education  in the country. 

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 2312-6655