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Social Media Marketing and Performance of Gas Energy Companies: A Systematic Literature Review

Augustino Yohana
,Joseph Magali
France Shayo


The study applied a systematic literature review to assess social media marketing variables in relation to the performance of gas companies. This is the best author's knowledge on writing systematic literature reviews on social media marketing and performance of gas companies around the world . The purpose of this paper was to synthesizes findings from multiple studies, allowing researcher to see the bigger picture, and identify patterns, trends and consistencies of phenomena. In addition, the paper employed a systematic literature review method to sum up the phenomena under study. A systematic study of 48 papers from 7 academic databases and publishers on social media marketing was conducted, analyzing themes, countries, scope, methodology, methods, and publication trends. The study revealed that there is a positive effect of social media marketing on the performance of gas companies. In conclusion, gas companies may maintain their market share and develop devoted clientele by effectively utilizing the Social Network Marketing (SNM) factors. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter were likely to be utilized by many papers to help the gas industry, particularly in Russia, France, and the UK. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1821-9993
print ISSN: 1821-9985