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Impact of Human Resource Planning on Construction Project Completion in Zanzibar

Bakar M. Bakar


The study examined the impact of Human Resource Planning on construction project completion in Zanzibar. The quantitative research approach and descriptive research design used in this study. We collected data from a sample of 180 by using the simple randomprobability techniquethat was conducted at Zanzibar. The data collected through the questionnaires and SPSS used for data imputation the descriptive statistics that computed to describe the data collected with inferential statistics at 95% confidence level were used. The findings show thatHRP in performance management influenced function on the increased effectiveness and accountability in the project management. The findings also revealed that the HRP in performance managementwas a significant and positivelycorrelated with construction project completion. The study concluded that performance management influenced to development of managerial leadership and coaching skills in construction project implementation. This study recommended that the construction organization and its clients must understand the awareness and flexibility of employees dynamically and competent retention strategies for knowledge transferred.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1821-9993
print ISSN: 1821-9985