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Enhancing the Effectiveness of Public Sector Monitoring and Evaluation Systems in Zanzibar Through Stakeholders’ Engagement

Addi Juma Faki
Chacha A. Matoka
Felician Mutasa


The Zanzibar public sector's monitoring and evaluation system engaged numerous stakeholders from diverse organizations. The paper  assessed the effect of stakeholder Engagement on the effectiveness of the M&E system in the Zanzibar public sector. The study adopted  a positivist philosophy and a quantitative approach. Data were collected through a questionnaire constructed with a points Likert scale  from 170 implementers of the Zanzibar Strategy for Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction III (ZSSGRP III). Stratified and simple  random samplings were used in sample selection. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were applied for data analysis. The results  established that stakeholder engagement had a positive and significant effect on the effectiveness of the M&E system. The findings underscored the importance of engaging stakeholders in all stages of M&E including designing, implementation, and reporting. The  study suggested the need for the Zanzibar M&E lead agency to enhance fully stakeholders’ engagement throughout the monitoring and  evaluation process to nurture their skill mix potential to improve the overall effectiveness of M&E systems in the Zanzibar public sector. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1821-9993
print ISSN: 1821-9985