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Assessment of the Factors Affecting the Intention to Adopt Mobile Marketing Among the Aging Population in Zanzibar

Nuru Maulid
Nasra Kara


The popularity of mobile phones has led to the explosion of mobile service provision in different sectors such as; marketing, health, and  sports. Studies evidenced that the use of the mobile service is generally associated with the younger generation while ignoring the aging  population. The purpose of this paper was to investigate factors affecting the intention to adopt mobile marketing among the aging  population in Zanzibar. This study was guided by an extension of the Technology Acceptance Model. The study utilized the quantitative  method whereby 382 questionnaires were distributed to pensioners using a stratified sampling design. Structural equation modelin  was  employed to analyze the collected data. The analysis was aided by SEMAMOS version 25. The study found out that perceived ease of use  and technology anxiety strongly influenced the consumers’ intention to adopt mobile marketing. Furthermore, it was also revealed that  attitude had partial mediation on the relationship between consumers’ perception and behavioral intention. This finding implied that  mobile business vendors should design mobile marketing apps withuser-friendly interfaces with a clear view of products and services for  aging consumers. The finding of this study is vital to aging consumers because will improve the standard of living in the current mobile  phone era.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1821-9993
print ISSN: 1821-9985