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Service Quality Variables for Assessing Students’ Satisfaction in Higher Learning Institutions: Evidence from Empirical Literature Review

Hawa Uiso
Joseph Magali


The relationship between service quality and students’ satisfaction is an important aspect to be observed by Higher learning institutions  in order to promote students’ enrolment. Service quality influences the students’ satisfaction and it is a prerequisite for increased  number of graduates and hence educated people in any country. Parasuraman et al. (1988) argued that the assessment of the  customers’ overall superiority of service offered is based on service quality. This paper discusses the relationship between service quality  and university students’ satisfaction from empirical literature review. The objective of this paper was to assess the influence of service  quality on students’ satisfaction basing on studies conducted in various countries in the world. The findings are, to the authors’ best  knowledge that few studies have been done to assess the influence of service quality on students’ satisfaction in Tanzania. The study  recommends that there is a need to conduct more studies in higher learning institutions in Tanzania. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1821-9993
print ISSN: 1821-9985