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Enhanced photovoltaic features of Tin-doped Cobalt Molybdate nanostructure materials

Ijeh Rufus
Imosobomeh L Ikhioya


In this study, Sn-doped Cobalt molybdate was synthesized via an electrochemical deposition technique to enhance photovoltaic application. The Sn-doped CoMo has diffraction angles of (36.58°, 34.67°, 47.21°, 61.52°, 65.32°, 71.35°, and 75.67°), which correspond to the Miller indices (111, 211, 200, 211, 212, 300, and 311). Each peak, denotes a distinct crystal structure, indicating a polycrystalline material. A redshift indicates a smaller band gap, whereas a blueshift suggests a larger band gap. CoMo and Sn0.3@CoMo have low visible absorbance, whereas Sn0.1@CoMo and Sn0.2@CoMo have higher absorbance, making them better suited for photovoltaics, solar cells, photocatalysis, and energy storage applications. CoMo shows semiconductor qualities due to its 2.11 eV bandgap. The bandgap drop to 1.92 eV indicates that Sn caused extra energy levels in the bandgap. The FTIR spectrum of CoMo contains peaks related to metal-metal bonding and Mo-O vibrations. The bands between 600-800 cm⁻¹ (Mo-O stretching) and 1000-200 cm⁻¹ (Co-O stretching). Introducing Sn at a low concentration (0.1) causes modest changes or broadening of the existing peaks. The peaks at 300-400 cm⁻¹ indicate Sn-O vibrations.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2756-3898
print ISSN: 2714-500X