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Is camel’s urine friend or enemy? Review of its role in human health or diseases
Camels play an important role in the pastoral mode of life by fulfilling basic demands of livelihood. Various pathologies,
such as tuberculosis, hemorrhoids, ascites, increased size of the abdomen, gas colic, anemia, and abdominal tumors,
were treated with animal urine, including camels, horses, donkeys, sheep, goats, elephants, and buffalo. Thirty different
compounds were analyzed in camel urine by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. For inductively coupled
plasma mass spectrometry analysis, 28 important elements were analyzed in the urine of both camel and bovine. It was
found that the inorganic elements are almost similar, except sodium, potassium, iron, zinc, and magnesium are higher
in levels in camel urine, while chromium is high in bovine urine. Camel urine also contains different nanoparticles,
crystals, and nano-rods with varying shapes and sizes, which offer potent selective cytotoxic activity against several lines
of cancer cells. It is believed that the camel’s urine has a therapeutic effect for a wide range of diseases such as chill,
fever, or even tumors; therefore, it has been consumed in the Arabian Peninsula for a long time. Usually, patients take
it directly or by mixing a few drops with camel milk. Camel urine is also used for therapeutic purposes, most widely
in Asia, Africa, the United States, the United Kingdom, and other European countries. The religious aspect of using
camel urine in treatment comes from the fact that there has been convincing evidence that the Prophet Mohammad
(PBUH) suggested the use of camel urine to treat his companions who were suffering from abdominal pains at that
time. The camel’s urine has anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. It also has
hepato-protective and cardiovascular effects.