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Occurrence and surgical repair of third degree perineal lacerations in adult female camels (Camelus dromedarius) by one-stage (Goetz) technique

S Anwar
GN Purohit


Retrospective analysis of third degree perineal lacerations in 7 female camels (6-17 yrs of age) that were  surgically corrected by one stage repair (Goetz technique) is presented. Majority (3/7) of the camels was  primiparous and all parturitions had a history of calving assistance. Six (6/7) camels recovered by first  intention of healing. Dehiscence of perineal structure occurred in only one camel due to infection and healed by second intention. Subsequent matings resulted in pregnancy in four camels and one camel died due to  unrelated causes. We conclude that perineal lacerations can occur in primiparous camels with difficult  assisted deliveries and that one stage repair of perineal lacerations in camels improves the perineal  conformation and such camels may easily regain normal fertility.

Keywords: Camels, One-stage repair, Perineal lacerations.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2218-6050
print ISSN: 2226-4485