The Hooded Vulture Necrosyrtes monachus is not currently listed on the IUCN Red List of threatened species, yet recent email discussions amongst a group of African raptor experts suggests this species may be in rapid decline. Information was solicited from raptor experts, as well as from published and unpublished reports, bird atlases, and individual sightings. No data was obtained for 8% of countries where the Hooded Vulture occurs and the value of the data obtained for the remaining countries varied widely in quality. Despite the variation in data quality, trends from each African region suggest dramatic population declines (mean 62%; range 45–77%) over the past 40–50 years. Some declines were documented in 20 years or less, indicating declines might be occurring rapidly in some areas. The major threats include poisoning, illegal trade for traditional medicine and bushmeat, and persecution. Based on quantitative rates of declines for each region, a revised population estimate for the species is a maximum of 197 000 individuals. We recommend that the Hooded Vulture is uplisted to Endangered under the IUCN Red List criteria.
OSTRICH 2011, 82(2): 101–113