During the breeding season of 2008 a total of 24–30 female Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea with brood were counted at two habitat types (reservoirs and natural gullies). The population was relatively stable from 1994–2002, with a likely increase afterwards. Generally, the island breeding distribution comprises the north and mid part of Fuerteventura. Breeding ducks were mainly concentrated in man-made reservoirs, the most important site was Los Molinos Reservoir with 40–42% of the island population, but single pairs also occurred in gullies with flourishing saline water and lush shrubby and arboreal fringing vegetation. We recommend that special attention should be paid by the local authorities to breeding areas outside the Important Bird Areas for this island (e.g. Catalina Garcia Reservoir, the second-most important breeding location for this Anatidae) and some other sites in gullies.
OSTRICH 2010, 81(2): 93–96