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An effect of vegetation structure on carcass exploitation by vultures in an African savanna

Andrew J Bamford
Ara Monadjem
Ian CW Hardy


Carcass utilisation by vultures may be constrained by the surrounding vegetation, as high vegetation densities may leave insufficient space for the vultures to take-off. We tested this by placing carcasses at 14 sites differing in density and height of the surrounding vegetation. African White-backed Vultures Gyps africanus were reluctant to land at carcasses from which the angle required to clear the surrounding vegetation on take-off was greater than 6°, and Cape Vultures Gyps coprotheres were not observed on carcasses from which the required angle of take-off was greater than 4°. Increasing vegetation densities due to bush encroachment may therefore affect the two species to different extents.

OSTRICH 2009, 80(3): 135–137

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-947X
print ISSN: 0030-6525