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Author Biographies
Tiffany B Plantan
Department of Biology, University of Miami, Cox Science Center, 1301 Memorial Drive, Coral Gables, FL 33146, USA
Mark J Howitt
National Zoological Gardens of South Africa, 232 Boom St, PO Box 754, Pretoria 0001, South Africa
Arnaud le Roux
Endangered Wildlife Trust, Private Bag X11, Parkview 2122, South Africa
Joseph A Heymans
Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism – Limpopo, Waterberg District, PO Box 3205, Nylstroom 0510, South Africa
Antoinette Kotzé
National Zoological Gardens of South Africa, 232 Boom St, PO Box 754, Pretoria 0001, South Africa; Genetics Department, University of the Free State, PO Box 339, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa
Michael S Gaines
Department of Biology, University of Miami, Cox Science Center, 1301 Memorial Drive, Coral Gables, FL 33146, USA
Main Article Content
The capture of a large number of Red-billed Oxpeckers Buphagus erythrorhynchus and their subsequent maintenance and behaviour
Tiffany B Plantan
Mark J Howitt
Arnaud le Roux
Joseph A Heymans
Antoinette Kotzé
Michael S Gaines
The capture and relocation of oxpeckers Buphagus spp. has been previously documented on several occasions. However, the issue of capturing, transporting and holding, both temporarily and permanently, a large number (n > 100) of oxpeckers has yet to be addressed or recorded. We detail the conditions and procedures utilised for such purposes at the Mokopane Biodiversity Conservation Centre of the National Zoological Gardens, South Africa. Included are aviary design, diet plan, host incorporation, management and behaviour of captive Red-billed Oxpeckers B. erythrorhynchus. It is hoped that the protocol described will assist future capture-translocation operations and contribute to the successful permanent holding of large numbers of oxpeckers.
OSTRICH 2009, 80(2): 103–107
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