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La migration du faucon concolore (Falco concolor) et du faucon d'Eléonore (Falco eleonorae) en Tunisie
Eleonora's Falcon (Falco eleonorae) breeds on islands situated in the Galite archipelago off northern Tunisia. Its annual appearance during migration has been regular for a very long time. In contrast, the occurrence of the Sooty Falcon (Falco concolor) in Tunisia seems to be accidental during prenuptial migration, with only three records to date. The presence of this falcon in Tunisia can be explained by the similarity between these two species, with regard to wintering area, hunting technique, migratory route during the prenuptial migration, winter food regime and breeding season. In spite of the distance between their breeding ranges, the Sooty Falcon on migration may link up with a group of Eleonora's Falcons and thus end up far from its traditional breeding habitat in the south of Libya and in Egypt. We present here three observations of Sooty Falcons reported in Tunisia during migration.
Ostrich 2007, 78(2): 333–335