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Diet variability in the White Stork Ciconia ciconia in eastern Algeria

Linda Cheriak
Christophe Barbraud
Salaheddine Doumandji
Slim Bouguessa


The diet of the White Stork Ciconia ciconia was studied at El Merdja, Algeria, from 1997 to 1999 and in 2007 by analysing 240 regurgitated pellets. A total of 12 234 prey types were identified and classified into six categories. Insects dominated during each month and year of the study. Three orders of insects were mainly consumed. Coleoptera species were the most frequently consumed prey during all months and years, followed by Dermaptera species, except in 1998 when Orthoptera were more frequent. The frequency of families of prey insects varied considerably depending on the year: Carabidae were dominant in 2007, Tenebrionidae in 1999 and Carcinophoridae in 1997.

Keywords: diet, East Algeria, Tebessa, White Stork

OSTRICH 2014, 85(2): 201–204

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1727-947X
print ISSN: 0030-6525