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Performance of students in anatomy in the 2nd MBSS examinations in some Nigerian universities
Method: The 2nd MBBS (Part I MBBS) examination results of some medical schools in Eastern Nigeria over a variable period of 3-5 years were obtained. The schools were those of Abia State University (ABSU), Nnamdi Azikiwe University (NAU), University of Port Harcourt (UNIPORT) and University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus (UNEC). The performance of students in anatomy, medical biochemistry and physiology were compared.
Result: ABSU and NAU had relatively smaller populations of students than UNIPORT and UNEC The percentage passes in anatomy in ABSU, NAU, UNIPORT and UNEC were 78.31%, 79.3%, 41.24% and 54.7% respectively. The performance of students in schools with small populations was better in anatomy than in either medical biochemistry or physiology. The reverse was the case in schools with large populations of students.
Conclusion: Class size plays an important role in the performance of students in anatomy. The lower the population of students, the greater the chances of adequate exposure of students to the study materials, and consequently the better the performance.
Orient Journal of Medicine Vol. 18(1&2) 2006: 11-15