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The correlation between erythrocyte sedimentation rate and leucocyte counts in Nigerians
Method: Raised ESR is indicative of the process of organic disease. We sought the correlation of ESR with the total and differential leucocyte counts in a series of sick and healthy subjects (n=238).
Results: The ESR values of sick patients were higher alongside a lower mean leukocyte count for this group. In both groups the leukocyte counts correlated negatively with ESR values (P<0.05) (r=0.16).
healthy subjects (n=238).
Conclusion: The presence of organic infections can lead to overall reduction in the number of leucocyte. The presence of some endemic or organic diseases conditions may the underlying aetiological factor in the so called ethnic leucopaenia of persons of African origin.
Keywords: Ethnic leucopaenia, ESR, Nigerians, correlation
Orient Journal of Medicine Vo. 17 (1&2) 2005:34-37