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Facial, nasal, maxillary, mandibular, and oro-facial heights of adult Nigerians
Methods: A total of 200 subjects consisting of 110 males and 90 females randomly selected from the student population of the University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria and whose ages ranged from 18 years to 42 years were recruited into the study. Each perameter was measured several times with a vernier sliding caliper until three consistent values were obtained.
Results: The results obtained indicate a sexual dimorphism, with a significantly higher value of all the perameters in males compared to females (p<0.05).
Conclusion: The mean values of these perameters for Nigerians reported in the present study will provide baseline data for anthropologists, functional orthodontics, cosmetic plastic surgeons, and the otolaryngologist in Nigeria.
Keywords: Nigerians, golden proportions, facial height, maxillary height, oro-facial height.
Orient Journal of Medicine Vol. 17 (1&2) 2005: 1-8