

Peer Review


The Orient Journal of Medicine adheres strictly to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors [ICMJE] recommendations on authorship. A contributor qualifies for authorship if the following are met:

a. Substantial contributions to the conceptualization or design of the work, or the acquisition, analysis or interpretation of data.
b. Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content.
c. Final approval of the version published.
d. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

The individual roles of the authors should be stated during manuscript submission and should be categorized as follows: concept, design, definition of intellectual content, literature search, clinical studies, experimental studies, data collection, data analysis, statistical analysis, manuscript preparation, editing and review. Authors should be named in the order of their contribution towards the manuscript writing and preparation. Once submitted, a change in this order can only be allowed by a written request endorsed by all the contributors. Other contributors that did not meet with the requirements may be mentioned in an acknowledgement.

Peer Review Process

A manuscript is peer-reviewed for publication on the understanding that it is not being considered for publication simultaneously by any other Journal, has not been accepted for publication elsewhere, and has not been published anytime previously. The Journal publishes original articles, review articles, case reports and letters to the Editor. Contributions must be in standard British English and should be as concise as possible, and all peer reviews are double-blinded.

The Committee on Ethical Publication [COPE] guidelines for peer review processes is carefully adhered to, and the entire process usually takes between 3 to 10weeks.

1. Each submitted manuscript is formally acknowledged, and crosschecked for compliance with the Instructions to Journal Authors on Manuscript Preparation. At the receipt of the manuscript processing fee, the manuscript is sent as an e-mail attachment to three peer reviewers, without the author information page.
2. Reviewers return the manuscript with their corrections and comments; and two positive or two negative reviewers’ reports are enough for a decision on it.
3. Corrections and comments are sent back to the Author-for-Correspondence [without the identity of the peer reviewers] for a revision of the manuscript in line with the peer review comments, if it has been recommended for acceptance for publication
4. The author-revised article is subsequently sent back to the reviewers, unless the reviewer allowed the publication process to proceed without insisting on a subsequent review of the revised article, for affirmation of the compliance with their comments and recommendations, before the article is returned to the Editor.
5. An Acceptance Letter is, then, sent to the Author-for-Correspondence as soon as the positive affirmation by the two of the reviewers is received.
6. The article publication fee is paid at this stage by the Author-for-Correspondence.
7. This will be followed by an editorial review to check for the syntax of the article, including the grammar, punctuations, contents, references, page planning and arrangement, placement of figures, illustrations, tables and pictures and accuracy of numerals. Following this will be the penultimate pagination of the article.
8. The fully edited article [Author Proof Copy] is sent back to the Author-for-Correspondence to proof-read and make the final comments, and to validate or give the final assent for the publication.
9. The returned edited article is formatted for publication along with the other cleared articles and the final article order, page arrangement and paginations are done, in PDF.
10. The formatted articles, in PDF version, are mailed to the publisher for printing, to the webmaster for uploading on the website, and to the Author-for-Correspondence as the final published version.

Conflicts of Interest / Competing Interests

The Journal requires that the Author for Correspondence submits along with the manuscript a statement disclosing any conflict of interest [financial or non-financial] that any of the authors may have had with the publication of the manuscript or an institution or a product mentioned in the manuscript. Conflicts of interest with products competing with those mentioned in the manuscript should also be disclosed.

Human and Animal Rights

Ethical Considerations and Informed Consent
Where the research involves human subjects, the authors must obtain an Institutional Ethical Committee or Institutional Review Board approval for the research. During the submission process there must be a statement attesting to such an approval and the name of the approving institution or committee.

Also, the method of obtaining consent from the subjects [whether written or oral] should be stated in the methodology section.

The Editor will take account of all ethical issues and reserves the right to reject a manuscript which research involves protocols that are inconsistent with commonly accepted norms of human and animal research.

Confidentiality / Protection of Patients’ Rights to Privacy

All manuscripts submitted to the Journal are treated as confidential. Both editors and reviewers are required not to reveal any details of a manuscript or its review, during or after the peer-review process, beyond the information released by the Journal.

However, in cases of a misconduct, the manuscript may be released to committees or institutions involved in settling the misconduct.

Authors should remove identifying information or features from figures, photographs, sonograms and x-ray/CT films. Where these are included, a written informed consent from the patients, permitting such identifying information, should be attached during the submission process.

Animal Rights

Where animals are used for research, authors should ensure that fundamental principles are observed: animals should be treated with respect, without inflicting unnecessary pain and are only used to address important research questions where alternative subjects are not available.

Open Access Policy

All Rights Reserved 2022@Orient Journal of Medicine(OJM).
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Publication Scheduling

The journal is published quarterly.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 3027-2890
print ISSN: 1115-0521
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