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Andrew Thomas
Greta Dreyer
Leon Snyman


In 1989 medical journals in South Africa were scarce and specialist journals even more so. e “South African Medical Journal (SAMJ)” was rst published in South Africa in 1884 and a few others followed, but there wasn’t an Obstetrics and Gynaecology journal. In 1989 Marika and Pieter de Waal from Glenbarr Publishers identi ed this de ciency and launched the O&G Forum along with a few other titles. e editors at the time of the launch were the late Professor Ernst Sonnendecker from the University of the Witwatersrand, Professors Jack Moodley from the University of Natal, Hein Odendaal from Stellenbosch University and
Gerhard Lindeque from the University of Pretoria. Together they made the O&G Forum into a renowned journal, even called the “Registrars’ Bible” and widely used for exam preparation!

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1027-9148
print ISSN: 1029-1962