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Oropharyngeal fetus in fetu at Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital. Revisited.

KE Kabala
OP Chukwu
O Gavi
L Matsela
ST Monokoane


Background: Fetus in fetu is a rare malformation in which a parasitic twin is within a more mature twin. Most of the
fetus in fetu are located in the retroperitoneum and are acardiac and anencephalic.
Case report: Oropharyngeal fetus in fetu, referral from Rustenburg hospital with suspected gastroschisis, preeclampsia,
preterm labour at 28 weeks gestation.
Conclusion: Prenatal ultrasound remains the cornerstone of diagnosis of fetus in fetu in providing essential information
for management and parental guidance.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1027-9148
print ISSN: 1029-1962