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Exploring the Adequacy of Obtaining Informed Consent for Caesarean Deliveries - A Patient Perspective

P. Theletsane
T. Cronje
B.G Lindeque
S. Adam


Objectives: The objective of this study was to assess the adequacy of informed consent obtained from patients prior to
caesarean delivery.
Design: Descriptive study
Setting: Tertiary level hospitals in a major South African center in Pretoria, South Africa
Subjects: Two-hundred-and-fi fty patients who underwent elective and emergency caesarean deliveries
Outcome measures: The assessment of the adequacy of the informed consent was assessed via a questionnaire that the
participants answered on day 2-3 post caesarean delivery.
Results: Average age of participants was 28.8 years (28.75 ± 5.92). Twenty three percent (23.2%) of the participants
underwent elective and 76.8% underwent emergency caesarean deliveries. Seventy fi ve percent (75.6%) of the participants
knew the name of the procedure, although only 29.2% were aware of the associated risks, and 59.2% of participants knew
of their right to refuse the procedure.
Conclusion: Adequate communication is essential to all aspects of medicine and this study has highlighted the inadequacy
of the informed consent process that takes place at our institution. Information regarding risks and complications was
not adequately communicated. A standardized informed consent document that healthcare professionals can use for
counseling, starting antenatally, should be considered.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1027-9148
print ISSN: 1029-1962