It is known to Africans and the international community that Africa is a poor continent, though she is very rich in mineral and human resources. Her basic problems as a continent include: bad leadership, corrupt and selfish politicians, mismanagement of resources, high degree of illiteracy etc. These have led the continent into various socio-economic problems including poverty and war. My research has proved that in Africa, especially in the sub-Saharan part, many people believe in the existence of occult powers and this belief affects their behaviours: the way they do business, their attitude to one another, their political and social life. Such occult powers include: witchcraft, sorcery, possession of extra ordinary power, divination and ability to foretell the future, conjuring the dead, mermaid spirits, jujus (gods and goddesses), ability to control various spirits, etc. Academics in various fields, successful business men and women, renowned politicians, legal practitioners accept that occult phenomena influence the way they lead their lives and carry on with their businesses and professions. This paper investigates in a critical and coherent manner whether Africans can make use of occult powers to solve their problems. For example, could corrupt politicians and dictators be removed from office by the use of occult powers? What use could be made of the so-called occult powers of witchcraft, necromancy, jujus etc. in solving Africa’s problems?