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Ezi agamniihu na mmepe tọrọ atọ: ntụle usoro ọchịchị agbụrụ atọ Kacha Pụta ihe na Naịjirịa

Ifeyinwa Cordelia Isidienu


Usoro ọchịchị dị nnukwu mkpa na ndụ agbụrụ ọ bụla. Ka agbụrụ si hazi usoro ọchịchị ha, tinyere ka ndị ọchịchị si achị na-eme ka obodo gaa n’ihu maọbụ laghachi azụ. Agbụrụ atọ kacha pụta ihe n’ala Naijirịa bụ, Igbo, Hausa na Yoruba nwere usoro ọchịchị ọdịnaala tupu a chịkọọ ha ọnụ dị ka otu obodo. Bido n’oge ahụ ruo taa, Naịjirịa enwebeghị udo tọrọ atọ. Ọ bụ ọnọdụ dị etu a kpalitere ederede a n’itụle usoro agbụrụ atọ ndị a si achị onwe ha n’otu n’otu nke mere na agbụrụ o bụla ka na-ahụta onwe ha dị ka otu agbụrụ dị iche n’agbụrụ ndị ọzọ. Nke a ga-enye aka iji tụpụta atụmatụ kacha mma ga-enyere ala anyị bụ Naịjirịa aka inweta udo na agamniihu bụ ịgba. Iji nweta ebumnoobi a, e nyochara ederede dị iche iche ma gbasoo usoro akụkụkọala. Nchọpụta gosiri na agbụrụ Hausa na agbụrụ Yoruba bụcha ndị na-agbaso usoro ọchịchị ndị eze chi ha chibere ebe agbụrụ Igbo na-agbaso usoro ọchịchị ọha. N’otu aka ahụ, ala Naịjirịa na-agbaso usoro ọchịchị onye kwuo uche ya, mana a chọpụtara na ha anaghị agbaso ya n’usoro ziri ezi. Ebe ọ dị etu a, ọ ga-aka mma ka e nye agbụrụ ọ bụla ikikere na ohere ịchị onwe ha, ka ọchịchị agbụrụ ọ bụla nwee ikikere karịa ọchịchị nke gọọmentị etiti ka nnwere onwe, agamniihu, mmepe, udo na ihụnaanya wee dị. N’otu aka ahụ ịkwafu ọbara, ịla ndụ na akụnaụba n’iyi ga-abụzị akụkọ mgbe ochie.

Okwu Gbara Ọkpụrụkpụ: Agamniihu, Mmepe na Usoro Ọchịchị

English Abstract
The method of leadership in the life of a nation is of great significance. This is because it is a strong determinant of a nation’s progress or downfall. A case in point is the three major ethnic groups in Nigeria – Igbo, Yoruba and Hausa. The three had a uniọue, traditional leadership style prior to the 1914 amalgamation of northern and southern Nigeria. From then to now, Nigeria has not experienced lasting peace. It is against this backdrop that this research eụplores the leaedership styles of the three ethnic groups in so far as their leadership styles have guaranteed their living together as one hitherto. This study is purposed to seek out the possibility of borrowing a leaf from the style of leadership of the three ethnic groups to see how they can help Nigeria to enjoy lasting peace, progress and development. The research work is historical in nature. With it, this study throws a search light into the leadership of the three ethnic groups to emulate the secrets of their success over the years. The study finds out that Hausa and Yoruba operate a monarchical style of leadership, whereas the Igbo have a republican kind of leadership. It is not democracy in the real sense of it. Yet, Nigeria, who claims to practice democracy, has nothing to show for it; not true democracy. In view of this, therefore, this study advocates for a decentralized government in Nigeria, in which the confederal ethnic groups will be given the power to govern themselves, and the power wielded by the centre will be less. The eụpectation is that this governance type will help Nigeria to achieve eluding peace, progress and development.

Key Words: Progress, Development and Leadership

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1597-474X