It is an undisputable fact that the preliterate Urhobo of Delta State in Nigeria and the continent of Africa in general, has been described as savages, irrational, illogical and primitive in their ways of life. Some Western scholars have even gone to the extent of disputing their rationality. However, one must ask: can man, who is created by God and endowed with reason, be at the same time irrational? It is for this purpose that we have to show that the traditional Urhobo man is rational, by using the traditional concept of death to discuss the general view of what death entails. The study made use of both primary and secondary sources to obtain the basic information. Findings revealed that, first; there is Urhobo culture and tradition, which exist in their own philosophy. Furthermore, the Urhobo believe in the concept of death and life after death. For the Urhobo, many have been born into this world and have passed beyond it to the other side of life. Nevertheless, this is not the case with those who have died and continued to live endlessly in the other side of life after death. Thus, it is necessary to view with utmost concern, the reality of that place towards all mortals are heading, if this world is, but ephemeral and a passage. One is therefore, advised to live according to dictates of good and moral life to inherit this abode after death, as conceived by the Urhobo.