A total of 120 Clarias gariepinus, 120 of Heterotis niloticus and 150 Oreochromis niloticus were collected from integrated fish cum chicken reservoir for Aeromonas hydrophila screening. Samples were collected twice monthly for one calendar year. The physico-chemical parameters of the reservoir water were taken each sampling day. Bacterial culture involved pre-enrichment in alkaline peptone water and incubation in nutrient agar at 37oC for 24hrs. Standard biochemical assays such as Gram- staining, catalase, oxidase, hydrogen sulphide, indole, methyl red and Voges-Proskauer tests were performed to confirm the bacterium. Prevalence rates of A. hydrophila in O. niloticus, C. gariepinus and H. niloticus was 34%, 31.7% and 27.5% respectively. The study shows that O. niloticus is more prone to thebacterium followed by C. gariepinus and least H. niloticus. Although the organism was isolated all the months of the year, it was observed that there was higher prevalence of the organism during the warmer months.
Keywords: Aeromonas hydrophila, Clarias gariepinus, Heterotis niloticus, Oreochromis niloticus, Disease, Prevalence
Nigerian Veterinary Journal, VOL:33 (2) 492-498