Combretumracemosum P. Beauv (Combretaecea) is folklorically used as an antiulcer, trypanocidal, antihelminthic and antimicrobial agent. A study was conducted to determine the trypanocidal activity of crude methanolic extract of Combretumracemosun leaves against Trypanosomabruceibrucei both in vitro and in vivo. The extract exhibited in vitro activity against T. brucei by immobilizing the trypanosomes and rendering them uninfective to mice at concentrations ranging from 125 mg/ml – 0.2559 mg/ml. The extract also demonstrated in vivo trypanocidal effect by reducing parasitaemia and improving packed cell volume in T brucei infected mice at 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg body weight when administered intraperitoneally. Intraperitoneal administration of the extract to mice at 2,000 mg /kg body weight did not result in deaths during the acute toxicity study. This study provides evidence of the ethno pharmacological use of C. racemosum in trypanosomosis.
Keywords: Combretum racemosum, leaves, methanolic extract, trypanocidal activity, Trypanosoma brucei
Nigerian Veterinary Journal, VOL:32 (4) 342-348