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The use of Deletion Analysis in the Detection of Mycobacterium bovis, Mycobacteium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium africanum among Slaughtered Cattle in Plateau State, North Central Nigeria.
slaughtered cattle were examined for tuberculous lesions in the study area. Of these, 150 (4.4%) animals showed lesions typical of tuberculosis and 124 (3.7%) were acid fast positive. The major organs showing tuberculous lesions were lungs and lymph nodes. Out of 150 animals, 114 lungs (76%) and 27lymph nodes (18%) respectively were positive. 96 (64%) of the lungs were acid fast positive. Tuberculous organs were observed mostly in female
animals. Following deletion analysis of 142 tissue samples mic seal using RD1, RD4, RD9, RD12, RD1 and RD2 , 107 were identified as M. bovis, six as M. tuberculosis and two as M. africanum. The public health implication and control measures were discussed.