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Performance and Nutrient Retention of Broilers fed Treated Pumpkin Kernel Diets in Replacement for Groundnut Cake
(13.34%), ether extract (42.69), total ash (5.14%), nitrogen free extract (0.32%), calcium (0.29%) and phosphorus (0.07%). One portion of Pumpkin Kernel was used raw and another autoclaved at 120C for 20 minutes. A third portion similarly autoclaved, coarsely ground and
soaked in water for 24 hours before washing and drying were used. The three pumpkin kernel groups were finely ground and used each at single level of 225g/kg diet while the control did not have Pumpkin meal. Each diet was fed to twenty four, 2-day old, broiler chicks in three replicates of 8
chicks and feeding lasted 56 days. Weight gain of birds offered the control diet did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) from those fed other diets although the consumption of raw or autoclaved pumpkin kernel diets was significantly (P < 0.05) lower than that of control or water-washed
pumpkin kernel diets. Feed utilization efficiency was similar among the dietary groups but protein efficiency ratio was superior (P < 0.05) with raw or autoclaved pumpkin kernel diets than with control or water washed pumpkin diets. The dietary treatments did not affect (P > 0.05) mortality of chicks. In addition, nutrient retention study did not reveal any significant effect of diets on the parameter. Pumpkin kernel could be a good plant protein source for broiler production. The kernel could be used raw since heating and water washing did not improve feeding value of the kernel