Xylazine hydrochloride (Xylazin® injection, 2% solution contains xylazine hydrochloride 23.33 mg/kg, Indian immunological Ltd., India) is an 2-adrenergic agonist used in animals. It is a potent sedative/hypnotic agent (Hall and Clarke, 1983). Chemically, it is 2(2, 6-dimethylphenylamino) -4H-5, 6-dihydro-1, 3-thiamine hydrochloride (Adams, 2001). Xylazine is classified pharmacologically as an effective sedative, analgesic, muscle relaxant, immobilizing and hypnotic agent in domestic animals (Torre and Erausquine, 1988; Ewing, 1990; Adams, 2001). Xylazine is also known to significantly ameliorate the effects induced by stress stimuli (Ali et al., 2006). It does not possess the undesirable side-effects and deficiencies of the phenothiazine-derived tranquilizer (Mohammed and Yelwa, 1993), and xylazine infusion should not be used in horses during transition from isoflurane anaesthesia to recovery (Wagner et al., 2008). As a well-defined breed in Africa, Sokoto red goats are known for quality skin which is in high demand for leather product with a high retail value (Devendra and McLeroy, 1988). Sokoto State is estimated to have 2.46 million goats with Sokoto red goats found virtually in every household within the state (Anonymous, 1992).
The objective of this research was to evaluate the sedative effect of xylazine in Sokoto red goats by way of ascertaining the onset of action, duration of action, effect on some clinico-physiological and haematological parameters.