CA Eze
Department of Veterinary Surgery, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
RI Nweke
Department of Veterinary Surgery, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
NC Nwangwu
Department of Veterinary Surgery, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
The physiologic and analgesic effects following injections of xylazine/ketamine (0.05/10mg/kg) intramuscularly (IM), xylazine/lignocaine (0.05/10mg/kg) IM /subcutaneously (SC) and Lignocaine (10mg/kg) SC were evaluated in mature, non-fasted West- African Dwarf (WAD) goats for a period of 80 minutes during rumenotomy. The duration of analgesia obtained were 28±5.4 minutes for xylazine/ketamine (XK), 24±1.2 minutes for xylazine/lignocaine and 29.25±9.6 for Lignocaine (L). The mean heart rate (HR) in XK and L group were significantly ( P < 0.05) higher between 10–30 minutes post treatment compared to the XL group. The mean respiratory rate (RR) in XL group was significantly( P < 0.05) low whereas the mean rectal temperature (RT) was significantly ( P < 0.05 ) low in XK group. Notable side effects were salivation (100%) in all experimental animals. Urination was observed to be 25% and 50% in XK and XL groups respectively. Grunting was observed in 50% of the animals in both XK and L groups while breath-holding was observed in all the groups. However no animal regurgitated or aspirated during the procedure. It was concluded that whereas the three treatments produced short duration of analgesia compared to what is required for the intended procedure, XK and XL treatments offered better operating condition. None of the treatments adversely affected the physiological parameters under consideration.
KEY WORDS: Physiologic, anaesthesia, xylazine, ketamine, Dwarf goats
Nigerian Veterinary Journal Vol.25(2) 2004: 39-47