BD Sanni
Department of Veterinary Surgery and Medicine, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria
IL Elisha
Department of Veterinary Surgery and Medicine, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria
AZ Hassan
Department of Veterinary Surgery and Medicine, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria
JB Adeyanju
Department of Veterinary Surgery and Medicine, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria
Three hundred and seventy four (374) post surgical complications were recorded in a retrospective study of operations carried out during the student's small animal surgical laboratories Zaria between 1990 and 1993. Wound dehiscence (28.1%), wound infection (24%), and haemorrhage (13.9%) were the commonest complications observed. Other complications include death, oedema, peritonitis, aural asymmetry, evisceration, intestinal obstruction, herniation, perivascular sloughing, moist dermatitis, intramedulary pin (IM) migration, self-mutilation, adhesions, myositis and ankylosis. Correction of skin defects, caudectomy and castration resulted in higher number of complications. Interviews of instructors of the surgical laboratories, conducted through questionnaires revealed that the use of stray dogs with poor nutritional and health status, septic surgical procedures, poor use of surgical instrument and seldom cleaned/disinfected kennels were some of the factors that led to high incidence of complications. Management of complications entailed the use of systemic antibiotics, treatment of surgical site as an open wound or in some cases reconstructive surgery. Recommendations are made on how to avert occurrence of post surgical complications from students' small animal surgical laboratories.
KEY WORDS: Surgical complications, student practical, dogs
Nigerian Veterinary Journal Vol.24(2) 2003: 57-62