The effect of maternal alcohol consumption during gestation and lactation on the morphology of the testes of offspring was studied using 180 male mice. The 180 mice were offspring of a breeding stock comprising 36 female and 18 male mice. The 36 female mice were divided into 3 groups of 12 each. The offspring of group 1 served as control while those of groups 2 and 3 were exposed to 30% ethanol (V/V) prenatally and pre-and postnatally respectively. At 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 weeks of age, 10 male offspring were randomly selected from groups 1, 2 and 3 and sacrificed. Following sacrifice, the testes were carefully dissected out. Determination of the weights of the testes showed that the testis of controls weighed significantly heavier then those of the alcohol exposed groups. Histologically, seminiferous tubular diameter of controls was larger than those of the alcohol exposed groups. There was also delay in the development of spermatogenic cells in the testes of those exposed to alcohol.
KEY WORDS: Maternal alcohol consumption, Morphology, Offspring, Testes.
(Nigerian Veterinary Journal: 2002 23(2): 15-22)