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Hypolipidemic activity of the methanolic extract of Ficus thonningii (Blume) leaves in hypercholesterolemic-induced rats

VM Ahur
SC Udem
II Madubunyi


Ficus thonningii has been reported to have nutritional and ethno-rnedical uses especially by the Igede-speaking people of Benne State, Nigeria. Therefore, this study: was carried out to assess effects of methanolic leaf extract of Ficus thonningii (MEFT) against cholesterol-induced hyperlipidaemia in rats. Adult rats were divided into 6 groups of 5 rats each. Group 1 and 2 were orally administered 5 nil/kg/day of distilled water. Groups 3-6 received 10 rug/kg/day of simvastatin, 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg/day of extract respectively, for 30 days. Cholesterol (400' mg/kg/ day) was also given to allthe groups except group 1for 30 days. On day 31, blood samples were collected for the determination of serum triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol (TC), low density lipoprotein (LDL-c), very low density lipoprotein (VLDL-c), and high density lipoprotein (HDL-c). MEFI' (200 rug/kg) significantly lowered TG, TC, LDL-c and VLDL-c levels. At this dose the extract also significantly increased HDL-c levels when compared with the cholesterol treated group. These suggest the extract to possess preventive or therapeutic effects on dietinduced hyperlipidaemia.

KEYWORDS: hyperlipidaemia, lipoproteins, athrogenic index, cardiovascular diseases

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0331-3026