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Teaching climate change through creative drama: The Lady Victoria Academy Secondary School, Makurdi experience

Marcellinus Aondohemba Asen
Jacob Akura Aji
Joyce Mgusuur Akombor


This paper advocates for the adoption of creative drama in teaching climate change in postprimary schools in Nigeria. This is predicated on the fact that beyond natural climate change, human activities have adversely affected the earth, thereby causing anthropogenic  climate change. It is imperative to bequeath the knowledge of climate change to students of postprimary school level of education in a  graphic manner that is capable of propelling them to lead the campaign against anthropogenic climate change and take steps that will  halt it. The article is anchored in Cognitivism Theory (CT). Using the qualitative method of research, the researchers identified the burning  of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) to make electricity and power vehicles, clearing forests for farms and cities, and  cultivating of livestock, among others, as some of the human activities that release “greenhouse gases” such as carbon dioxide, methane,  halocarbons, and nitrous oxide into the atmosphere; which, depending on the intensity, cause climate change. Through a  creative drama titled, “Earth to Someone,” the researchers engaged and taught students of Lady Victoria Academy Secondary School, Makurdi (LVASSM), on the subject of climate change, especially as it concerns the role of humanity in causing or averting climate change  issues. From the creative drama experience with students of LVASSM, the paper submits that students’ understanding of climate change and its impact on the earth is better enhanced if they participate in the learning process. The students affirmed that the understand the  subject better with creative drama than when they were taught theoretically in class. The conclusion reached is that the adoption of  creative drama in teaching climate change is very suitable because of its participatory approach which enhances a natural and graphic  approach to learning. It is recommended, therefore, that teachers of geography, basic and agricultural sciences, among others, should  synergize with theatre artists to practicalize the teaching of climate change for effective teaching and learning and attitudinal change of  students towards the environment. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2971-6748
print ISSN: 0189-9562