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Theatre for development and economic recession in Nigeria

Chris Omotosho


Theatre for Development is a theatrical experiment that raises the consciousness of the people, builds confidence in them and opens their eyes to what they can do on their own towards ameliorating their unpleasant situations. Thus, TfD can be used to address societal issues like economic recession. But it has been observed, over the years, that successive governments in Nigeria have looked down on the art of theatre. This is borne out of the parochial belief that Arts have little or nothing to offer in addressing societal problems. It is assumed that Nigeria is existing recession but the indices of recession are still prevalent. It is against this background that this paper, anchoring on the Endogenous Development Theory, brings to the fore the inherent ability of TfD in eradicating economic recession. A TfD project was carried out at Osiele Community on the outskirt of Abeokuta in Odeda Local Government of Ogun State on one of the ways to solve the problem of economic recession. The project presented the locally made adire fabric not only as clothing materials but also as materials that can be used for the production of bags and shoes. It was obvious, from the interactions that followed the production, that the people prefer the use of locally made fabrics of adire to the imported materials; a proof that the masses would prefer the Nigerian made products if they are made to see their beauties. It was therefore recommended in the paper that government should engage Theatre Arts Practitioners in its quest for a complete eradication of economic recession in Nigeria.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2971-6748
print ISSN: 0189-9562