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Hazard management in Nigerian theatres: A paradigmatic shift

Gowon Ama Doki
Jerry Idah Odeh


Occupational hazards of fire outbreak, building collapse, injuries, stress and insecurity are eventualities that are grossly inescapable. However, these can be managed and mitigated for the smooth running of any organization. The theatre and its practitioners as performing artists are as well prone to these hazards as they engage in both artistic and technical activities. This paper examines the preparedness and or otherwise of theatre organizations in mitigating these hazards if and when they do occur. Methodologically, the paper deploys interviews and personal observations as tools of data collection where key informants and in-depth respondents are asked relevant questions. Findings reveal that most theatre organizations be they educational, public arts councils or private troupes do not possess requisite facilities to manage these hazards when they do occur. The paper recommends the creation of the office of a hazard manager as well as the training and retraining of staff in this section on rapid responses when hazard do occur.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2971-6748
print ISSN: 0189-9562