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Media criticism and agenda for effective leadership: An appraisal of Nollywood productions

Charles Effiong
Bernard Eze-Orji


Effective leadership has been the very concern of Nigerians, who see development as being slow and not commensurate with the huge human and material resources that abound in the country. To this end, questions arise on how the country can meet up with sustainable development plans that would see her deliver the goods at satisfactory level to all citizens. This contention has been the worry of most Nigerians especially in the advent of democratic governance which encourages collective. The media, which includes theatre, film, radio, television, newspaper, internet, and other traditional forms, known as the voice of the masses are placed in a position to ultimately encourage the people in playing participatory roles in governance; such that contributions on what they want, how they want it and when they want anything can be understood and delivered to them. This paper examines the extent the media such as the Nigerian home videos have played this role especially in the democratic era, to the extent of stimulating the masses’ decision on the choice of their leaders based on the knowledge that the media can either twist the people towards positive or negative decision that may affect them and the development of their communities. The paper analyses some media productions such as films and other related media works to justify the role of the media as veritable organs that can stimulate change for achieving good leadership in the country.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2971-6748
print ISSN: 0189-9562