The following are instructions to help contributors to Nigerian Theatre Journal (NTJ):

Style: NTJ has adopted as its official guide the Publication Manual of the Modern Language Association, 6th Edition. Consequently, all manuscripts must be in conformity with this MLA referencing style. Paper(s) should be typed, single-spaced, on white A4 paper, with wide margin. The submitted paper should be emailed to SONTA email address: An abstract of not more than two hundred and fifty words summarizing the main points of the article, should accompany the manuscript. NTJ encourages that each paper submitted should deal with the methodology used in addressing the subject in proficient detail relating to the place of data within the proper methodological settings and all. In case of illustrations, it must be submitted with the final draft and must be of professional quality, and executed on white paper, in colour ink, with clear, medium weight, black lines and figures. Typewritten lettering should not appear in illustrations. Such should be numbered appropriately. Authors should use Microsoft Office Word Format of 16 font size for the title and name of the author, 12 font size for the body of the article, and 10 font size for indented paragraphs and a reference list format to list Works Cited (All in Times New Romans font style).

Manuscript Length: Manuscripts averaging 15-20 pages of single-spaced type scripts are preferred, but the editors will consider longer papers on topics requiring a fuller treatment. NTJ will reject papers submitted that are less than 4,500 words.

Review Process: Authors are requested to submit their names, professional position, and institution on a removable cover sheet. Authors must not submit the manuscript of any article that is still under consideration by another publisher.

Editorial Reaction: Papers will not be returned to authors if they fail to meet by a wide margin the basic criteria for selection. Otherwise, authors may expect to receive some notification before the next edition of the SONTA Conference. If an article is accepted, the authors are meant to respond by mailing a letter of acceptance and acknowledgment.

Criteria for Selection: Papers are evaluated on the following points: form, writing style and readability, logical development, appropriate length, appropriateness of author's stated objectives to treatment such as content and significance of NTJ readers. Additional criteria are based upon the following manuscript orientations: as a research paper, as a professional practice paper, as a literature review, and as a policy paper. It should be emphasized that the editors respond most favourably to manuscripts that evidence both a freshness of vision and vitality that may be informed by, but certainly go beyond, methodological qualities, and that are in congruence with our publishing goals and directions. The most effective approach in learning about our interest is to read previous issues of the journal. We expect that authors, the journal, and the field will develop through the publication process.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2971-6748
print ISSN: 0189-9562
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