Nigerian School Library Journal <p>The <em>Nigerian School Library Journal</em> is a scholarly publication of the Nigerian School Library Association that focuses on issues relating to school library media centers’ establishment, administration, organization, media resources management, reading development, e-learning/m-learning, and other related topics of concern to researchers and school librarians or media specialists and those in the field of library and information sciences.</p> en-US Copyright to this journal's content belongs to the Nigerian School Library Association. (Prof. DF Elaturoti) (KA Aramide) Mon, 20 Jan 2025 18:06:52 +0000 OJS 60 Editorial <p>No abstract&nbsp;</p> David F. Elaturoti Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 20 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Revitalising school library services in Niger State using digital technologies <p>This paper explores and describes some important digital technologies and tools school libraries in Niger State can leverage to revitalise the poor services school libraries in in the state offer. A peruse of existing literature and verbal interaction with some school librarians in Niger state by the researchers revealed that, abysmal services related to digital technologies were provided in schools where libraries existed. Some of the school libraries do not have computers and electronic resources, because the focus of those schools has shifted to the Information and Communication (ICT) laboratories/rooms. The researchers inferred that this shift and poor services may be due to the fact that school librarians have not been able to champion the use of digital technologies to enhance learning in their libraries. Thus, this paper highlights some of the tools can used to revitalise library services in post-primary schools in Niger-State to make them vibrant learning spaces for users in the fourth industrial revolution.</p> Sadiat Adetoro Salau, Isah Yahaya Abdullahi, Edimeh Augustine Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 20 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Promoting quality education: Implications of awareness-creation, support, and interest in STEM education among private school students in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria <p>This qualitative study explored teacher librarians' awareness, support, and interest in promoting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) among school children in Nigeria. The study adopted a qualitative approach with 30 secondary school students from Ibadan, Nigeria in a focus group. The 8-week discussion group was guided by predetermined questions about students' STEM perceptions and teacher librarians' roles. This also include the pre and post behaviour of the students. Findings revealed teacher librarians significantly impact STEM education by curating STEM collections, collaborating with educators, and facilitating STEM programs and hands-on activities. The study concludes that teacher librarians are important for effective STEM instruction by creating supportive, engaging learning environments. Recommendations include reviewing policies guiding school libraries and STEM education, providing teacher librarians with more STEM-focused training and professional development, and encouraging teacher librarians to regularly promote STEM learning experiences. This study emphasises the vital role of teacher librarians in improving STEM education quality in Nigeria.</p> Sophia Vivian Adeyeye, Oluwaseun Oluropo Ajibare, Folasade Busayo Oguntoye Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 20 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Influence of school libraries on reading skills in private primary schools <p>This paper explores the critical role of school libraries in fostering reading skills development in private primary schools. As literacy forms the cornerstone of educational success, this paper argues that well-resourced and accessible school libraries are fundamental in nurturing students' reading abilities. By synthesising existing research and case studies, the paper examines how school libraries contributed to improved reading proficiency through access to diverse reading materials, structured reading programs, and a conducive learning environment. It further discusses the positive impact of library-led initiatives, such as reading clubs and storytelling sessions, on students' engagement and motivation to read. The paper advocates for increased investment in school libraries by private primaryschools, emphasising that libraries are not merely supplementary resources but essential components of an ef ective educational strategy. Ultimately, this paper calls for policymakers, educators, and school administrators to recognise and enhance the pivotal role of school libraries in promoting literacy and lifelong learning.</p> Lorine Ogochukwu Abere Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 20 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Innovative approaches to enhance in-school adolescents’ reading skills and attitudes in Nigerian schools: An empirical perspective <p>The educational landscape in Nigeria faces significant challenges in cultivating effective reading skills and positive attitudes toward reading among in-school adolescents. Traditional instructive methods have often failed to address these issues, resulting in low literacy rates and students disconnected from reading. This research explores innovative approaches capable of enhancing reading skills and attitudes in Nigerian schools, focusing on empirical evidence from three secondary schools in Oyo City. The study utilises a descriptive survey method, involving sixty students from Junior Secondary Class 3 to Senior Secondary 3, to assess the impact of innovative strategies to improve the reading skills and attitudes of the students. The findings reveal the possibilities of significantly improved reading skills andattitudes when exposed to these innovative approaches. This study underscores the necessity of adopting creative and engaging approaches to reading to foster more literate and motivated students, ultimately contributing to better academic performance and lifelong learning. The results provide valuable insights for school librarians, teachers, policymakers, and stakeholders aiming to contribute to improved literacy in Nigeria.</p> Margaret O Abimbola, Omobola S. Fasola Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 20 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Work environment and job satisfaction of librarians of Tertiary Institutions in Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State, Nigeria <p>This study examined work environment and job satisfaction of librarians of Tertiary Institutions in Calabar Metropolis in Cross River State Nigeria. Two research questions and one hypothesis were formulated to guide the study. A survey research design was used while a sample of 55 professional and 118 paraprofessional librarians constituted the sample size using purposive and accidental sampling techniques. For appropriate data collection, a structured instruments entitled “ Work Environment and Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (WEJSQ) ” . The instrument was validated by two experts in Measurement and Evaluation, Faculty of Education, University of Calabar and the reliability test was established with Split-half reliability method. The research data was analysed using One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The findings revealed that working conditions significantly influence job satisfaction of librarians of tertiary institutions in Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State. It was concluded that the variables under study were found to enhancing librarians ’ job satisfaction. Therefore, the study recommended that library management should ensure that top-level management of the tertiary institutions should maintain regular salary increment and bonuses as at when due to both professional and paraprofessional librarians and also expose them to constant training so as to boost their morale in their workplace. This will ensure free flow of work activities and job satisfaction on all library staf in the library</p> Emmanuel U. Omini Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 20 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Emerging smart green schools in Nigeria: Implications for librarians. <p>As education is evolving in response to technological advancements and environmental concerns, the role of school librarians is updating accordingly. The new concept of smart green schools, which incorporates advanced technology and sustainable practices, require librarians to acquire additional set of skills. The objective of the paper is to identify the new roles and competences for school librarians working in smart green schools. The concept of smart green schools and librarians’ involvement is presented through the review of existing literature. The study identified the competencies and skills that school librarians need in this new education landscape. It concluded that stakeholders ensuring that librarians are equipped with these skills is imperative. By imbibing these newroles librarians will contribute to creating a dynamic, tech-savvy, and sustainable climate learning landscape in Nigeria. It recommends that librarians should be open, flexible and proactive in adopting new roles for smart green school libraries. Also Library school curriculum modification across Nigeria is strongly advocated.</p> Obianuju E. Nwafor-Orizu, Ifeyinwa N. Okonkwo Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 20 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Institutional repository: A 21<sup>st</sup> century tool for scholarly communication <p>Knowledge generated through research in universities and other research institutions is only significant when it is shared, disseminated, easily findable, andaccessible to a wider audience for the benefit of the academic populace. Scholarly publications such as journals and conference proceedings, dissertations, andtheses are pivotal channels of sharing such knowledge; however, the costs of these have been progressively increasing, making it ever more unbearable for many institutions to provide access to most or even all of them. This gave rise tothe institutional repository. An institutional repository (IR) is a digital archive of the intellectual products created by the faculty, research staf , and students of an institution and accessible to end users both within and outside the institution with few if any barriers to access. This paper, therefore, examines historical overview of scholarly communication, 21st-century scholarly communication, the concept of IR, IR characteristics, IR policy, benefits to various stakeholders, and its implications for scholarly communication.</p> Alice A. Bamigbola, Josephine Kele Oloyede Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 20 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Perception of planning and designing of library spaces by librarians in Nigeria: A systematic review <p>This systematic review explores the perceptions of librarians regarding the planning and designing of library spaces in Nigeria. It synthesizes findings fromvarious empirical studies, highlighting key themes such as the emphasis on user-centered design, challenges in implementation, and the integration of technology. The review reveals commonalities in challenges faced by librarians, including funding limitations and infrastructural inadequacies, while also showcasing differences based on library type and professional development experiences. Ultimately, the study provides insights that can inform future library space design, ensuring they better serve the evolving needs of their communities.</p> Ibrahim Ayandare Ayankola Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 20 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Awareness and utilisation of ICT tools for community development in Oyo state, Nigeria <p>The study aimed at investigating the awareness and utilisation of ICT tools for promoting community development in Oyo state, Nigeria. The study employed descriptive survey design and muti-stage as well as purposive sampling techniques. The questionnaire with reasonable reliability coefficient was used to obtain information from the respondents. Descriptive statistical tools comprised simple percentages, mean and standard deviation were used to analyse the obtained data. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was the framework adopted in the study. The empirical finding revealed that that there was anawareness of ICT tools among the community development officer and that majority of community development of icer are familiar and use ICT tools especially WhatsApp, Facebook, X, Telegram among others for disseminatinginformation. The findings also revealed that more than half 66.7%of the respondents agreed that they are familiar and use digital technology for community development. In addition, the study found that there were challenges associated with utilisation of ICT among the community development of icer which ranges from lack of electricity, poor accessibility, inadequate telecommunication infrastructure to insufficient financial resources for technology integration. The study concluded that there is high awareness level of ICT tools usage among community development officer in Oyo State, but, the utitilisation level is low.</p> Ganiyu Oluwaseyi Quadri, U.C. Osu Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 20 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Students’ attitude towards the use of WhatsApp group as a mobile teaching and learning platform in Emmanuael Alayande College of Education, Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria <p>This study examined students’ attitude towards the use of whatsApp group as amobile teaching and learning platform in Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo (EACOED). Descriptive survey design was adopted. The population for the study was 400 which was selected from 200 level student of the college. Simple random sampling technique was used in selecting 400 students (188 male and 212 female). Three research questions were raised in the study. The researchers developed questionnaire on students’ attitude towards whatsAppgroup for teaching and learning platform (SATWGTLP). The reliability coef icient of the instrument yielded r=0.82. The data collected fromthe administration of the research instrument were analysed using simple percentage and mean to answer the research questions. To ensure the content validity of the instrument, 30 copies were pre-tested using the NCE students of the Federal College of Education (Special), Oyo. The findings of the study revealed that students have positive attitudes towards the use of whatsApp group as a mobile teaching and learning platform in the college. Poor network connection can affect communication in teaching and learning and erratic power supply which af ects participation were some of the challenges encountered in the use of WhatsApp for teaching and learning. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommendedthat whatsApp group should be adopted as a mobile teaching and learning platform in the college.</p> Esther Temitope Olaniyi, Oladoyin Grace Akinyoola, Fisayo Oyeyemi Adeniji Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 20 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 School libraries and future-ready skills development: Bridging the gap in 21st century learning <p>This paper explores the importance of school libraries in preparing students for future challenges through the development of critical, digital, and informationliteracy skills. Future-ready skills are now very important for the sustainability of national development as individuals with future-ready skills can contribute to the national GDP through creative employment which the government of the nation might not be able to provide. School libraries are crucial for the acquisition, development and promotion of these skills, this the school library does through; building digital literacy, encouraging collaboration and teamwork, enhancing critical thinking and problem-solving skills, promoting creativity and innovation, and facilitating lifelong learning. Suggestions on policy and curriculum recommendations were made and the way forward proffered.</p> Olatubosun Akole, Ndako Shuaibu Copyright (c) 2025 Mon, 20 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000