This paper focuses on the importance of creating collection visibility through the use of freely available softwares such as the CDS/ISIS for windows and The Library'Ihing as a strategy for the development of school library media centres in Nigeria. It discusses the benefits of having a visible collection among which is easy access to library materials via electronic means. The paper also highlights the key purposes of the school library media centre to students, teachers, and school administrators and the community and discuses the connection between these functions and the use of open source technologies as a means of ensuring efficiency in their service delivery at minimal cost to management. The uses of the CDS/ISIS for windows as well as the Library'Ihing, a web 2.0 software were extensively discussed. The paper pointed out certain factors to consider in the use of web 2.0 tools and concludes with a charge to school library media centres to embrace the tide of change and migrate from the traditional forms of service delivery to the use of new technologies in the present knowledge driven society.
Keywords: Collection visibility; School library media centre CDSIISIS windows, Library thing.