This ex-post facto study was carried out to investigate the use of computer in the teaching and learning of English Language in private junior secondary schools in Ibadan Metropolis. The attitude of male and female students towards the use of computer to teach and learn English Language was equally determined. Two hundred Junior Secondary School III students (87 males and 113 females) from eight private secondary schools and twenty teachers randomly drawn from the same private secondary schools were used. The Students' Evaluation Questionnaire (SEQ) and Teachers' Evaluation Questionnaire (TEQ) were the instruments used. The data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics of frequency counts, percentages and t-test. The results revealed that teachers do not use computer to teach English Language and there is no significant difference in the attitude of male and female students towards the use of computer in the teaching and learning of English Language. These results underscore the need for proprietor/proprietress of privately owned Secondary Schools to give priority to the use of computer to teach English Language for better results especially in public examinations like the National Examinations Council and the West African Examinations Council.
Key words: Computer, English Language, Investigation, Instruction, Junior Secondary School, Nigeria