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Work environment and job satisfaction of librarians of Tertiary Institutions in Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State, Nigeria

Emmanuel U. Omini


This study examined work environment and job satisfaction of librarians of Tertiary Institutions in Calabar Metropolis in Cross River State Nigeria. Two research questions and one hypothesis were formulated to guide the study. A survey research design was used while a sample of 55 professional and 118 paraprofessional librarians constituted the sample size using purposive and accidental sampling techniques. For appropriate data collection, a structured instruments entitled “ Work Environment and Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (WEJSQ) ” . The instrument was validated by two experts in Measurement and Evaluation, Faculty of Education, University of Calabar and the reliability test was established with Split-half reliability method. The research data was analysed using One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The findings revealed that working conditions significantly influence job satisfaction of librarians of tertiary institutions in Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State. It was concluded that the variables under study were found to enhancing librarians ’ job satisfaction. Therefore, the study recommended that library management should ensure that top-level management of the tertiary institutions should maintain regular salary increment and bonuses as at when due to both professional and paraprofessional librarians and also expose them to constant training so as to boost their morale in their workplace. This will ensure free flow of work activities and job satisfaction on all library staf in the library

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print ISSN: 0331-8214