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Revitalising school library services in Niger State using digital technologies

Sadiat Adetoro Salau
Isah Yahaya Abdullahi
Edimeh Augustine


This paper explores and describes some important digital technologies and tools school libraries in Niger State can leverage to revitalise the poor services school libraries in in the state offer. A peruse of existing literature and verbal interaction with some school librarians in Niger state by the researchers revealed that, abysmal services related to digital technologies were provided in schools where libraries existed. Some of the school libraries do not have computers and electronic resources, because the focus of those schools has shifted to the Information and Communication (ICT) laboratories/rooms. The researchers inferred that this shift and poor services may be due to the fact that school librarians have not been able to champion the use of digital technologies to enhance learning in their libraries. Thus, this paper highlights some of the tools can used to revitalise library services in post-primary schools in Niger-State to make them vibrant learning spaces for users in the fourth industrial revolution.

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print ISSN: 0331-8214